Sean Osbey

Food Manufacturing Quality Technician Graduate Fall 2023

Q: How did you learn about CHICAT’s programs?
A: I found out about CHICAT by while I was in school (The Collins Academy). Mr. Fontno
offered it to me and I thought I had a better option – but things weren’t what they seemed, I
gave CHICAT a chance and it was everything I thought it could be !
Q: CHICAT has 3 classes. Why did you decide to take the Food Manufacturing Quality
Technician Course
A: I took it to start a career, I always worked in food as a teen, so I thought why not take it to
the next level.
Q: What was your favorite part of the course?
A: My favorite part is actually receiving the certificates. I always felt a step closer to
completion afterwards.
Q: What certifications did you earn?
A: I earned
OSHA 10 certificate
HACCAP certification
Food Allergens certificate
Sigma White Belt certification
Q: What was the most difficult part of the course?
A: The most difficult was the test takin. Personally, I do have a bad memory, so I always
appreciated it when Ms. Khalia would let us look over stuff right before a test.
Q: What does your family think about your graduation?
A: My mother was proud I did something other than nothing. “Time is money.” Is what she’ll
say so long as I’m working towards a career, she’s happy.
Q: Have you been offered/gotten a new job since getting certified?
A: I had interviews before I graduated! I was just offered a job by Bitoy’s Sweet Treats. I
can’t wait.
Q:What would you tell someone thinking about taking this course?
A: Just make sure you relook over at all of your resources before a test. I used to think
sometimes “I got this I don’t need to look at all back at my notes.” Then I’ll be mighty
confused half the test.


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