Rocio Vega Villa

Food Manufacturing Quality Control Graduate December 2024

Why did you decide to come to CHICAT?
I loved my job and had to make a decision to leave because there were changes in the company. I began to feel blocked without vision or direction and although the company allowed me to work remotely I felt suffocated. I was worn out. Also, I had to put my health as a priority because my health was already affected negatively because of the stress. I was starting to feel lost in what I wanted to do but at the same time I thought that going back to school would be a big challenge for me. When I saw the advertisement on Facebook announcing QUALITY FOOD TECHNICIAN, I saw this opportunity to reinforce what I knew and to increase my skills and of course take advantage of certifications making this more attractive when provided for free.

What keeps you coming?
My interest in increasing my skills and my knowledge kept me firmly in the hands of our instructor. Her charisma, skills, and understanding play an important role so that we do not drop out when the course becomes difficult.

What has been the best part of the Food Manufacturing Quality Control class?
Putting our knowledge into practice and discovering you have learned new things.

What certification tests have you taken and earned? 

  • Six sigma white Belt
  • HACCP Training
  • Illinois Food Allergen
  • Osha 10
  • Servsafe

What has been the hardest part?
The language.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about the classes or someone in the
class who is struggling?

Embrace this opportunity so you can discover your true passion.

What are your plans following graduation from CHICAT?
Join an organization that takes seriously the balance between work – life and a team where they allow you to grow within the company and are interested in the personal education of the worker.


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