LaToya, Christian, and Lloyd

LaToya and Lloyd have a bit of a drive to get their 14-year-old son, Christian, to Chicago Center for Arts and Technology’s (CHICAT) afterschool Middle School program. However, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they faithfully make the 45-minute drive. It shows a lot of dedication, teaching their son how to follow through on his commitments, and from what we have learned, Christian makes sure he gets to come every program day. We sat down with Lloyd and LaToya to learn about their decision to bring Christian to CHICAT and why they reaffirm that 3 times a week with the drive.

They found out about CHICAT from Facebook and started to do their research. They were drawn to CHICAT because they grew up in the area, were intrigued by the STEM focus, and liked the social aspect of the program as well. They have continued to come for a variety of reasons, not least of which, is that Christian enjoys it and wants to be here. He especially likes the robotics and 3D printing he has learned about. Aside from that, Lloyd and LaToya appreciate the offerings and their focus on technology and the future. Lloyd talks specifically about society as a whole not knowing “how” to do things anymore like fixing and building as opposed to just consuming. He likes that Christian is learning that “how” at CHICAT as well. They appreciate the diverse nature of the group and the social interaction in a structured environment that Christian is exposed to. Why folks come to CHICAT is easy to see. Why they continue to come is always interesting to learn.

Christian is a mature young man and has a habit of setting goals and consistently reaching them. He is moving himself forward. CHICAT allows him a vehicle to reach his goals and input himself in fields where his parents know it is important that he learns. Anyone who has met Christian, knows that big things are in store for this intelligent determined young man. This is in no small part due to his parents and, of course, Christian’s hard work. Christian will be back to CHICAT this summer if he doesn’t move first and we are sure he will be a credit to whichever high school he attends next. CHICAT is honored to be a part of his journey and work to enrich his life in arts and technology with programs and technology hard to find in any city even Chicago.


Rocio Vega Villa

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John’Quez Galloway

Advanced Maintenance Mechanics Graduate Spring 2024 How did you hear about CHICAT? I came to CHICAT when I graduated high school in 2016. I was a

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Thomas Andrews

Thomas Andrews Advanced Maintenance Mechanics Graduate Spring 2024 How did you hear about CHICAT?I found CHICAT from a booth set up at a Chicago Urban

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Sean Osbey

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Marilyn E

Marilyn E. was in our 2022 Medical Billing and Coding (AHIMA) cohort and graduated in December. She enjoyed her time so much that she convinced

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